Role Of Big Nurse In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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What truly deems the mentally insane, insane? Throughout the captivating novel written by Ken Kesey, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, whether or not patients were mentally insane was completely up to Nurse Ratched or “Big Nurse”. The emasculating role Big Nurse and several other female characters played in the novel, shaped the submissive role a majority of the male characters held. Kesey illustrates the human fear of abnormality and sometimes sexuality, through tyrant-like individuals that foster a mental hospital full of docility. Big Nurse, an anal, oppressor of the male species, believed everyone who resides in the mental hospital must comply by her rules. If anyone were to disobey her, she would find a solution to the problem using her authoritarian methods. Big Nurse explained to one of the younger nurses what she thought of McMurphy: “He is what we call a 'manipulator,' Miss Flinn, a man who will use everyone and everything to his own ends (Kesey 27).” Alternatively, Big Nurse herself was manipulative; she strived to turn the ward patients against McMurphy by claiming he never did anything for the patients without receiving something in return. Although her plan was unsuccessful, Big Nurse became obsessed with the idea of prevalence over McMurphy. Thus, urged her to use severe methods to “cure” or mentally alter McMurphy’s …show more content…

The electroshock therapy table is used a punishment to any of the patients who act disorderly. The Acutes such as Taber, Ellis and Ruckly lose their complete sense of sanity through getting sent to the electroshock therapy table. The table is symbolized as a crucifixion; relating back to the times of Jesus Christ anyone who has done wrong will have been crucified. Moreover, Ellis is nailed to the wall in which the hospital served him as an example not to be