
Role Of Ethics In Pharmacy

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What is Ethics and Deontology? Ethics Ethics is a basic concepts and fundamental principles of decent human conduct. It includes the study of universal values such as; essential equality between people, human and natural rights, concern for health and safety. They are norms of conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. It is a code that differentiates what is right from wrong and it explains the code of professional conducts like that of the Hippocratic oath, Religious belief (ten commandment). Ethical norms can be acquired in different settings such as home, school, and work- place and so on. They are regarded as what people may term common sense; even though these norms are known there exist some ethical dispute …show more content…

As the profession takes part in making decisions in medicines and health care, they are also closely connected to the public. They are responsible for the safety of the general public and prevention of medication related problem that may cause serious health consequences to the users. Hence, ethical behavior needs to be demonstrated on a moral basis, on which the values of decisions are made. This ethics form the basis of the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists, which are based on moral obligations and virtues established to guide them in their relationships with patients, other health professionals, and the society. Code of Ethics in Pharmacy • A pharmacist must respect the convental relationship with his patients • A pharmacist promotes the good of every patient in a caring, compassionate and confidential manner • A pharmacist respects the autonomy and dignity of each patient. • A pharmacists acts with honesty and integrity in professional competence • A pharmacist respects the values and abilities of colleagues and other health professionals. • A pharmacists serves individuals, community and societal …show more content…

Deontology on the other hand is a special branch of ethics and identifies that which should be done denoting the science of duties. It mostly a categorical theory because what should be done is already known, but ethics is a hypothetical theory. The ethics and deontology strive towards the same goal to regulate the conduct in order to ensure harmony in relationship with people. Deontology calls for respecting duties and ethics calls for consent among men on the values and behaviors. The emergent of codes of duties is presented as a response to the request of ethics situated in social

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