King Creon, like a child, is so adamant in his ruling, that only a hyperbolic event could bring him to reality and teach him his lesson: a king has to listen to his people. Haemon fervently gives Creon advice about his leadership: “And [do] not be certain that your own opinion/Is the only right one, and that all men share it” (31). Although disregarded by Creon, this serves as a reminder that whatever his political status, Creon is not all knowing like the gods; he must accept other opinions. The hyperbolic event deemed appropriate by Sophocles was the suicides of the tragic hero Antigone, Haemon and his mother Eurydice. After Creon suffers the brutal realization of the three deaths, that were all largely his fault, he goes into a deep depression. …show more content…
In most minds, they were simply puppets controlled by the capricious gods. For example, Antigone claims that breaking the law and her impending death is her destiny because of her family’s disturbing past. The Chorus mentions this as they help Antigone process her death sentence: “Man’s fate is determined, will not be denied. The child Antigone pays for the parents’ pride” (41). Unavoidable fate is a theme in many works of literature. The constriction of fate must have given Antigone a sense of hopelessness. Although, the notion may also have provided some comfort for Antigone in knowing that she could not have changed what was to happen. Furthermore, Creon mentions fate and his influence in his son’s death acknowledging that “[His] hand powered the knife,” and points to his tragic flaw saying that “[His] arrogance determined [Haemon’s] fate” (53). If the characters did not put so much emphasis on the constraints of fate, they would have taken accountability for their actions, perhaps resulting in more prudent decisions. However, the belief that destiny controls the mortal existence accurately reflects the mythology of Ancient