Ibrahim Mohamed
Ms. Zipp
LA 10
26 May, 2023
The Role of Bystanders
Imagine a world where people were being killed because of their religion or beliefs. Elie Wiesls’s novel Night talks about the horrors of the holocaust. In addition, a compelling question is raised: Do bystanders bear any responsibility for what happened during the holocaust? I believe that bystanders bear no responsibility for what happened because it wasn't their fault and it's not like they could have stopped Hitler. Even if they tried, they would be sent to the camps like the Jews.
Bystanders are not responsible for what happened during the Holocaust. “the Nazi German regime enacted discriminatory laws and organized violence targeting Germany’s Jews.” Another example
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One such instance occurs when Elie and his fellow prisoners witness a young child getting hung. Wiesel stated, “ His voice quivered. As the rest of us, we were weeping.” (p.64). The prisoners are forced to watch the painful scene, and Elie questions the silence of God and the indifference of the world. This scene serves as a powerful reminder that bystanders can’t control the wrongs of others. Additionally, another instance is when Elie's father falls ill and becomes a burden to Elie. Wiesel stated, “ I could see that he was still breathing in gasps. I didn’t move.” (p.111). This is highlighting the internal struggle faced by bystanders who must make difficult choices in extreme circumstances. Through these traumatic events, Weasel draws attention to the complex nature of bystander responsibility and prompts us to reflect on our capacity. In conclusion the ethical question of bystander's responsibility raised by “Night,” we are confronted with the moral difficulties of human behavior in times of extreme atrocities. Through external sources and powerful moments within the novel, some argue that bystanders bear responsibility for Hitler and the nazi actions, but evidence suggests otherwise. The holocaust shows the consequence of others' actions. To conclude, we must confront ethical dilemmas and remember the past and honor those who suffered and