Roller Coaster-Personal Narrative

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Gulp, as I stared up at the towering tall roller coaster. Goosebumps covered my body. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. As I inched in the roller coaster, fear was in my eyes. The seatbelt suffocated me ,but I wanted to be more safe than sorry. Face your fears Grace, face you fears I thought to myself. This was my first time on Shivering Timbers and I was scared out of my skin. Suddenly, the coaster jumped forward and we were off. When wind blew my hair back and it felt soothing to my head. The wind whistled against the roller coaster, it sounded like crickets playing a beautiful song, in the midnight sky. It made me feel better before, I looked up in terror.

Click, Click, Click, as we made our way up the hill. Terror stood in my eyes. People were raising their hands. But nothing was going to loosen my grip on the cold metal bar that was in front of me. Swoosh, …show more content…

The wind blew my face, to the point when it felt numb. My mouth grew wide with the high pitch, squeaky scream coming from vocal cords. When my hair flew straight up, my hands flew back flalling in That’s when, we were going to encounter the biggest hill in the whole park, at Michigan Adventures. I hanged on the bar for dear life, making sure my seatbelt is skin tight. Then I closed my eyes tightly hoping that I will survive. ``Mommy!`` I cried as we raced down the hill as fast as a rocket. I’m not going to die, I tried to sooth myself as my body shaked like an earthquake.Then a memory overflowed my brain, it was when we were on the ride Pegasus. And I wasn’t buckled and we were going down a tall hill and we were hanging on for dear life that’s when I had to face my fears. Finally my vision came back and we were encountering the tallest hill in the whole