Roman Catholic Church Essay

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Some Christians are aware of the corrupt practices and theology of the Church of Rome, but many Protestants are not aware of their false teachings. The Catholics already had a predetermined agenda about justification. They searched the Scriptures to develop what they wanted to say in their decrees and canons. Their false teachings are based upon telling their congregation about going to heaven in order to make money to rebuild their church. They continue to express their doctrine of justification through works-righteous against the preaching of Paul the apostle. The beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church are based upon their corrupt theology and practices and the Pope’s infallibility. This means that the Pope wouldn’t admit to being wrong. They are false prophets, since they preach a different Christ, a different Spirit, and a different Gospel (2 Cor. 11:14). Calvin defines the Roman pontiff as the …show more content…

Preachers must articulate the doctrine of justification to their congregation. It tells us on how God makes them righteous in His sight and the method of escape the penalty of eternal death. In combating the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, preachers must proclaim the judicial nature of God’s justification of a sinner. For example, a righteous God gives His divine law (Ex. 20:1-17). The penalty God imposes for breaking his law is death (Rom. 6:23). A sinner comes before God, the Judge, who adjudicates the case. The sinner is declared guilty of breaking God’s law (Rom. 3:23). God pronounces His sentence - the death penalty (Jam. 1:15). The Judge takes off his robe in the form of a God-man, Jesus Christ (John 1:14). Christ makes atonement for us (Gal. 3:13). The sinner, believing on the work of Jesus, is placed back into a right relationship with the God as Judge (Rom. 1:17). As Calvin preached, “We have in heaven instead of a Judge a gracious

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