Roman Republic Essay

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Following a long and difficult journey that involved countless struggles against monarchy, Rome eventually achieved democracy. The Republic was set up in 509 BCE after Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the last Etruscan king, was overthrown. The Roman Republic survived for approximately 500 years and experienced significant expansions in terms of territory and political power. A distinguishing characteristic of the Republic was its exceptional political system, which effectively balanced power among the people, Senate, and consuls. This essay aims to analyze the circumstances surrounding the establishment of the Roman Republic as well as explore various aspects which contributed or challenged its democratic nature.

Circumstances that led to the establishment of the Roman Republic:
In 509 BCE, the Roman Republic appeared because of the demise of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the last king from the Etruscan lineage. Rome had been governed by Etruscan kings since its establishment in 753 BCE. The Roman masses revolted against this regime and introduced an alternative political framework that granted them more authority. Fundamentally centered on two elected consuls who headed the administration, this innovative system guided the Republic's foundations. According to historical accounts, the wealthy and influential …show more content…

It was considering this situation that a rebellion against Etruscan monarchical rule was sparked by an appalling incident - the rape of noblewoman Lucretia by Sextus Tarquinius, son of King Tarquin the Proud - culminating in the foundation of Republic in 510 BCE. To safeguard themselves from the rule of the kings and gain greater control over their political affairs, the Roman populace advocated for a fresh form of governance (Beard, 2015; Lintott,