Rome Republic Informative Speech

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Welcome to the Local Rome! Today we will be covering the very important facts about the rise of the rome republic. Our first story will be about the differences between the people under Etrusken rule. You all should know about the 2 seperate classes in Rome. The Patricans and the Plebians. The Patricans see themselves as the “fathers” of the state. They are the wealthy land owners of Rome. The Plebians are the opposite. They are much less wealthy and do not own as much land as the Patricans. The Plebians are the laborers , crafts people, and shopkeepers. The Plebians also until recently did not have Political say. But we’ll get to that later. And now for our next story the Patricans create a Republic! Now you all may know that Rome had been a Monarchy for a long time. After the people got sick of this government a group was formed led by a man called Lucius Junius Brutus rebelled. They took down the previous Etrusken king and formed their own government, called a Republic. In the republic the people elected officials to govern for the people. Now when they say people they mean the Patricans. And that was only 5% of the population at the time. So basically you have 5% of the people contributing to the way your county is run. More on how the Plebians react to this in the next …show more content…

The Plebians were now aloud to vote for a Tribune, who spoke for the Plebians. Over time the number of tribunes went from 2 to 10. Plebians also could elect the council of Plebs, which made laws only for the Plebians not the Patricans. Over time the Plebians staged several protests to win politcal equality. First they asked for laws to be written down, so the Patricans could not tamper with them. These laws were written on tablets called the twelve tables. Later in 367 B.C.E a law was made that at least 2 of the consuls were Plebian. Finally the Plebians gained the right to pass laws for all Roman