Romeo And Juliet Comparison

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Shakespeare was born in Stratford on Avon on April 23, 1564. Shakespeare wrote three types of plays. These plays were tragedies, comedies, and histories. He had two theaters, which were The Wooden O and The Globe. The Wooden O was his very first theater. The Globe was his second, which burned down twice. Shakespeare died April 23, 1616. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet has an original play and many movies. The movies dates go through time back to 1900 and the most recent 2014. This paper will discuss the play, the movie, and then it will compare the likenesses and differences of both of them. The play “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” is a seventy- seven page play that people performed in the Elizabethan Age.The play begins with a chorus.“ …show more content…

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Doth with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage: The which, if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.” This short chorus gives away the whole story in the very beginning. The chorus is saying that there are two families alike in high social rank that live in Verona, the place the story is set. An old bitterness causes new violence. Normal people’s blood makes innocent people’s hands unclean. The unlucky children of these two battling enemies fall in love and commit suicide. Their unfortunate destruction makes their parent’s feud die with Romeo and Juliet. The only way their …show more content…

This version of Romeo and Juliet was directed by Franco Zeffirelli. These actors were chosen by Franco Brusati, Masolino D'Amico, and Franco Zeffirelli. The movie begins the same way as the play does. The movie had lots of similar points, but what about the differences? Let’s start with the very first thing that was different. At the Capulet party there was no singer in the play, but there was one in the movie. In the play after Romeo and Juliet get married it never comes out and says that they slept together, but in a very slight way it was inferred. In the movie it goes to the morning and shows them lying naked together in Juliet’s bed. County Paris is barely mentioned in the movie. He was usually everywhere Juliet was in the play. Paris talked to Friar Lawrence in the play but in the movie they didn’t even see each other. When Romeo comes to see Juliet's body County Paris was there in the play so Romeo kills him. In the movie Paris doesn’t even show up at the mausoleum. In the play Romeo’s mom dies, but in the movie she is healthy as can be. Everybody comes to the mausoleum in the play, but in the movie it is The Friar and then the watch. The ending words from the play are said by the Prince. The ending words from the movie are read by the

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