Romeo And Juliet Diary Entry Essay

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By: Zareen Nishat I am six years old and my legs long to fit into my mother's heels. To me, they are just perfect for to me stand up on and reach the top of my plastic kitchen set. My mother is wary for she feels that I will injure myself in this impossibly hard and fearsome test. ‘How hard can it be?’ I wonder, I mean if my mother can do it, why can’t I? Obviously, I am six now; five was an age of mistakes, but being six means that I can finally do the adult things people talk about. Attempting to prove her wrong, I slide my tiny feet into the soles of the kitten heels and begin to walk around the house. At first, it’s easy. I can walk! I can dance! I can sing and prance in these shoes! Why did my own mother underestimate my more than …show more content…

Paris is sweet, charming and everything that a girl could ever want but Juliet was blinded by an intention to go after the boy who she had only met for a couple hours and the excitement of doing something that goes against the rules. Paris mourns over Juliet’s death and goes to strew flowers upon her grave to express his woe and declares that he will weep by her grave day after day; Romeo when entering the chamber where Juliet lies and threatens to tear Balthasar “joint by joint” (IV iii, 35) if he dares lets anyone interrupt his aching. The contrast of what Juliet's parents looked for in a boy shows here. They wanted someone who is caring and gentle but instead would’ve gotten Romeo who is hasty and quick to act on his impulses if he does not get his way. If she had just listened to what her parents had to say, this whole play would’ve turned out differently and they would still be left with their lives. Juliet thought that she knew best, but she really knew the least out of

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