
Romeo And Juliet Fate Essay

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Many Elizabethans believed that fate/predestination lies in the stars when you are born, the star formation shows your predestination or fate. In Verona, Italy, two families, the Capulets and the Montagues, are riddled with a long history of conflict. Romeo a Montague and Juliet a Capulet are both lovers, despite the differences between their families. They desire the love of each other, and along with fate, leads to their ultimate demise. Was love or fate the more deciding factor in the destiny of Romeo and Juliet? Fate is an inescapable force in the story and leads to the destiny of Romeo and Juliet. Fate shows the final outcome of Romeo and Juliet. For example, “A pair of star cross’d lovers take their life.” (Prologue.6). The term “star …show more content…

Their stars or fate are inevitable to cross, therefore “cross’d lovers”. This means that their fate is written in the stars and also that they have gone against this fate to be with each other, which does eventually lead to their deaths. It is important to remember that Elizabethans in this era tie everything to fate and it is a very important idea in this era to why someone’s life becomes as it is. So we can see that Shakesphere ties this idea of predestination to the foreshadowing of Romeo and Juliet's death by saying that this death was bound to happen by their fate or stars when they are born. Another example is when Friar Lawrence says “These violent delights have violent ends” (II.VI.9). Both Romeo and Juliet were quick to marry one another. What Friar Lawrence is trying to say is that their quickness to obtain the love for each other will have …show more content…

For example, when Romeo says, “Then I deny you stars”(5.1.25). When Romeo says this, he is denying his fate to the stars that showed his destiny. He denies his fate because he believes that his true fate and destiny should be with Juliet and instead his fate is keeping him away from Juliet, thus he says, “I deny you stars”. This is also the point in the story where Romeo hears of Juliet's death, which is ironic because she is not dead, this leads Romeo to think very rash and become inpatient, which leads to his suicide. Another part of Shakespeare's idea of predisposition is that every character and person has a fatal flaw. This idea comes from Aristotle, who believed that every person had a flaw in them that would lead to their downfall. Romeo’s fatal flaw is impatience, which leads to his downfall. Also, because he thinks that his true fate is with Juliet, he believes that he should also be dead and takes his life on Juliet's death bed. Another example is when Romeo says “I fear too early, for my mind misgives some consequence, yet hanging in the star shall bitterly begin” (1.4.113-114). In this part of the play, Romeo is considering if he should go to the Capulet party. He can’t fight off the sensation that for some unknown reason he should go. However, he also feels that if he does go to this party, there are dire consequences that lay in the path ahead. This hints at the death of both of the

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