Romeo And Juliet Fate Essay

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In the famous story of Romeo and Juliet, the two characters experience and are impacted by the power of fate. The dictionary definition of fate is; the will or principle or determining cause by which things, in general, are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do. The etymology behind fate is late Middle English: from Italian fato. The antonyms of fate consist of choice, free will, and freedom. Destiny, doom, lot, and portion are all synonyms for fate.
Fate is shown in Romeo and Juliet multiple times. Fate cannot be determined by the choices an individual makes since it is destined to happen. There are many examples of fate in the play Romeo and Juliet. Two lovers from opposing sides of the story, the Montagues and …show more content…

Throughout the play, Romeo blames the stars for making it harder for him to have a relationship, as relations between the Capulets and Montagues; intensified. Events such as his death brought by himself also brought the death of the woman he loved dearly, Juliet. In the article,” Romeo and Juliet Led Us Astray” The article states,” There is another fair damsel who has rejected Romeo's advances, and he declares himself inconsolable. He disdains to find someone else and tells Benvolio, "Thou canst not teach me to forget" -- which is, of course, precisely what happens a few scenes later when …show more content…

The two lovers’ love story was affected by fate from the very beginning. The quote “Then I defy you, stars!” from the play “Romeo and Juliet” exemplifies Shakespeare's usage of fate. (5.1.24) After Romeo discovered the death of Juliet, he declared to the universe that even though he and Juliet were destined to be apart, Romeo would ‘defy the stars’ and go against fate to be with his love. In the prologue of “Romeo and Juliet” on line 6, the couple is also referred to as “Star-crossed lovers” which again illustrates fate throughout the tragic love story. The term “Star-crossed lovers” refers to how a couple is destined to be separated. Since the prologue of the story, fate has been mentioned and seen continuously playing a part in the two lovers’ lives. Fate can not only be seen in the fictional story of Romeo and Juliet but it can also be noticed in the real world. For example, say someone has a job interview to go to but their car has a flight tire, the road needed to get to the location is closed, and they spill coffee on the white shirt they were going to wear to the interview making them go back home to change. Fate simply did not let the person go to the interview. Fate can be seen everywhere in everyday life, not just in fictional stories or