Romeo And Juliet In The Capulet's Tomb

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VERONA, Italy. Friar Lawrence elucidates the story behind the peculiar discovery of a trio of corpses. The remains of young Juliet, Romeo and Paris were discovered scattered around in the Capulet’s tomb, on Wednesday. Friar Lawrence explains that he married Romeo and Juliet and that Romeo was later exiled from Verona. The Capulets not knowing of Juliet’s marriage to Romeo, arranged the marriage of Juliet and Paris. Friar Lawrence explained how he made a simple plan for Juliet to fake her death and have Romeo retrieve her from the tomb after. The plan took a gruesome turn after Friar Lawrence failed to deliver the plan to Romeo.
The Remains of Romeo and Juliet in the Capulet’s tomb. “I told Romeo about the death of his beloved Juliet,