Romeo And Juliet Miscommunication

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"Dubbed the "Lovers of Valdaro" by the media, the pair were huddled close together, face to face, their arms and legs entwined, seemingly in an eternal embrace" (Urbanus). This unknown couple, that is often compared to Romeo and Juliet for the way they were found huddled together, seemed as they were in love and had died for love. Just how, many people believe Romeo and Juliet were towards each other on their last day; however, this is a common misconception as that is not the reason why they died. Romeo and Juliet committed suicide due to the reasons of teenage rationale and lots of miscommunication. Although, many people believe they committed suicide because they were in love, there is far more reasons and proof of teenage rationale and …show more content…

In Act III she tells her parents, “He shall not make me there a joyful bride…I pray you tell my lord and father, madam, I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear It shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate, Rather than Paris, These are news indeed!" (Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet). In this scene, Romeo sneaks out of Juliet's window while not long after Juliet is told by her mother and father that she will be marrying Paris on Thursday, but Juliet then tries to tell them that she doesn't want to marry him but instead would rather marry Romeo, who her parents believe she hates. Her father then gets very angry that she dares to ungrateful and not marry a man he wants her to marry, he then tell her that unless she marries Paris he wants nothing to do with her. This quote and scene defends the claim miscommunication because Juliet tries to be polite and tell her parents that she isn't into Paris and that she is into Romeo instead, but her father miscommunicates the fact that she doesn't want to marry Paris into that she is ungrateful and rude; it also miscommunicates to her parents because she says that she would rather marry Romeo but her parents believe that she hates him because he killed Tybalt. This scene led to Juliet’s death because if she decided to not marry Paris, her father would kick her out and she would have to survive on her own which can be very hard for a 13-year-old girl who has been spoiled all her life. She will also face death if she marries Romeo as well though, if she and Romeo got publically married then her family would be angry at her then too and more than likely have them both put to death since they lied and miscommunicated to their parents about having anything to do with each other, let alone being married. Another example of Juliet miscommunicating, leading to her death is in Act 4, when she says to her