Romeo's Character Changes

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In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo's character is explored throughout the novel. In the beginning of the novel, Romeo’s character is depicted as depressed and withdrawn. As the novel progresses, Romeo’s Character slowly changes into happy and in love. Ultimately, as the novel nears its end, Romeo has a new hatred for his life because he can’t have the things he wants most and becomes severely unhappy and pessimistic. In the the beginning of the novel, Romeo is seen as sad and lonely. Romeo can’t have the girl he wants which causes him to become mopey and melancholy. This is shown when Romeo's father says, “... and private in his chamber pens himself, shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out and makes himself a artificial …show more content…

Romeo feels more cheerful and lighthearted as the novel progresses. This is shown when Romeo says, “Call me but love and I’ll be new baptized. Henceforth, I never will be Romeo” (2.2 54-55) This is saying that Romeo loves Juliet so much that he will give up his name to be with her, his mortal enemy. Also, Romeo is seen happier even though he thought he lost the love of his life, Rosaline. This is shown when Romeo says, “O it is my lady, O it is my love...for thou art as glorious to this night” ( 2.2 10, 29-30). This shows that Romeo has a happier, brighter persona, but it also shows that he has forgotten all about his woes for Rosaline and has moved on. Ultimately, Romeo is becoming more spirited and lighthearted due to him finding true love with …show more content…

This turns Romeo into the morose character he was in the beginning of the novel. This is shown when Romeo says, “Tis torture and not mercy. Heaven is here where Juliet lives and every cat and dog and little mouse, every unworthy thing, live here in heaven and may look on her, but Romeo may not” (3.3 31-35). This shows that Romeo is sad and mad for he has been banished and he thinks it’s the worst thing that could possibly happen because he wouldn’t be able to relish in Juliet’s glorious presence. This leads to Romeo thinking about killing himself. As Romeo is saying goodbye to Juliet, his sorrows overtake him, and his body is covered with sadness and grief for his fallen wife. This is shown when Romeo says, “ And, lips, O, you the doors of breath, seal with an righteous kiss, a dateless bargain to engrossing death” (5.3 113-115). This means that Romeo is willing to take his life because of the fact that Juliet won’t be apart of it. Ultimately, as Romeo realizes Juliet is dead, he decides that life is not worth living without his true love and he kills