Ron Paul's View Of American Isolationism

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Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, honest money, and a pro-America foreign policy. His approach to social problems with the least amount of government as possible. Paul believes that society should address the social and economic problems with morality not government. Only the people could could know whats and wrong for themselves, not the government dictating and forcing people to things in matters they don't understand. He is all for free society and supports more freedom and less government. Being a free American in Paul's eyes mean we as individuals are responsible for our own lives and decisions. “Freedom to make bad decisions is inherent in the freedom to make good ones. If we are only free to make good decisions, we are not really free”. -Ron Paul …show more content…

So that people can make their own decisions and live in a free society. He also supports staying out of foreign affairs and worry about what's going on here in America. Paul has been an isolationist most of his career and all his foreign policy views are based off of isolationism. When it comes to economic freedom Paul believes the government taxes and controls you so we must change our foreign policy to one of economic freedom and diplomacy. That is the only way to promote peace and prosperity. Paul supports honest money and the right for every individual to control and secure one's own resources and private property. Taxation and inflation are morally wrong everyone has a right to his or her life and property, and no one has a right to deprive anyone of these