Ronald Reagan A Good President

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Every four years people all over the United States vote for a new president. The citizens usually choose from Democratic and Republican candidates. Even though the election are held in November, the winners is not sworn into office until the following January. Some presidents do a better job of governing the country than others. President Reagan was elected as the 40th president of the united states in 1981(“Ronald Reagan”). According to the biography, “His term saw a restoration of prosperity at home, with a goal of achieving peace through strength abroad” It also entails that “Americans thought Ronald Reagan was once a person and politician. Based upon his Environment, Education, and Economic policies, president Reagan was a successful president. President policies on education may have changed the face of the United States and teaching everywhere to this day. …show more content…

A key tool for the Reagan administration has a rare opportunity to change the face of education (“Struss”) Reagan wanted to help kids in school not only by improving what they are taught but by increasing test scores. According to the aticle Reagan thought best to add more standardized test to the every school year requirements (“Struss”). Reagan wanted teachers to add more testing in to make sure teachers were teaching what they needed to teach for the kids to have a better education. Also according to the article according to public school to (“Struss”) according to public schools education, the efforts did result in improvement in school and also testing scores. Reagan is considered a good president for changing education but a better president for changing the

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