Ronald Reagan's Accomplishments

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Ronald Reagan was mostly known as one of the best President, due to his strategic line of defense during the Cold War, his ability to persuade others to cut taxes and employ people, and his ability to persuade others to shrink the United States government. But he only started as a radian announcer. He was born February 6, 1911,in 1993 he got a break at WOC, the “World of Chiropractic," and the announcer of the University of Iowa football games. When he became 22 he got a regular announcers position. He was the only Hollywood movie star president so far. He started in June 18937 at Warner studio in Burbank, California. Ronald Reagan made over 7 films in his first year of being in Hollywood. In 1984 Ronald Reagan became president. Many people …show more content…

Well, many of you might feel this way about the present state of our economy,” said Ronald Reagn before he falls America about cutting taxes. Ronald Reagan found a way to cut taxes using Reagonomics. A process of eliminating taxes and employing more people. Milton Freedman helped Ronald Reagan cut taxes. “Economic growth is good for just about everyone especially the poor it gives them a ladder out of property for those who aren’t poor who are known as rich thats most of the people in America economic growth gives the options they never have,” said Ronald Reagan as he was explaining economic growth. He was Ronald Reagan’s economic adviser. Ronald Reagan claimed an undue tax burden, excessive government control, and massive social spending programs hampered growth. Other reasons Ronald Reagan cut tax rates was because of the world and Americas economies at the time. When Ronald Reagan was elected unemployment had risen 7.5 percent, and inflation in 1980 was 13.5 percent. The prime interest rate was 21.5 percent in 1982. Recession started in the United Kingdom and inflation there was 22 percent in 1980 There was recession in Canada And inflation rate there was more than 12 percent. Ronald Reagan didn’t wan’t Canada and the United Kingdom become America. On February 5, 1981, President Ronald Reagan …show more content…

He showed a leadership of cutting taxes by finding that there was problems and fixing them for America, he showed a leadership of shrinking the government by finding problems and fixing them, knowing that the government is not the solution to our problem that it is the problem, and a leadership of the Cold War by knowing theres a problem and we need to fix it and knowing that he needs to send more troops and end certain things to win. He showed a legacy of greatness throughout his life time. He showed a legacy of greatness, smarts and never giving up through the process of the Cold War, a legacy of smarts and knowing government is not the solution to any of our problems it is the problem, and a legacy of never giving up and going through things even when they get