Rorschach Validity Analysis

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The validity of the Rorschach is difficult to compute for multiple reasons. Validity usually refers to how well a test measures a particular construct it intends to measure (Hess, 2001). The open-nature of the Rorschach yields a multitude of answers, which makes it difficult to compare outcomes among different individuals. Additionally, this test is utilized in multiple settings to measure multiple constructs such as intelligence, emotions, pathology, etc (Hess, 2001). The interpretation and score of the test depends on a single answer rather than a combination of responses which makes the validity difficult to interpret (Hess, 2001). Due to how time consuming the Rorschach is, research regarding the validity of this test is remarkably expensive …show more content…

Test-retest statistics provided were based on the NEO-PI-R. These statistics are not applicable to the NEO-PI-3 due to the multiple changes made to the NEO-PI-R (Benson, 2014). The only novel reliability statistics provided were internal consistency and interrater reliability values (Benson, 2014). Internal consistency for the five domains in the adolescent sample ranged from .87 to .93, and .88 to .95 for the adult sample (Benson, 2014). The facets yielded much lower internal consistency values ranging from .48 to .83 in the adolescents, and .56 to .86 for the adults (Bensons, 2014). Interrater reliability was assessed using cohen’s kappa, in adolescents the values ranged from .38 to .60, and in adults the values ranged from .52 to .65 (Benson, …show more content…

Criterion validity was assessed using the Spearman Rank-order Coefficient (Benson, 2014). The manufacturers found the correlation between the domains in NEO-PI-R and the NEO-PI-3 was quite high, ranging from .98 to .99 in both adolescents and adults (Benson, 2014). The range of correlation between facets were slightly lower, but still strong ranging from .83 to .98 in adolescents and .86-.99 in adults (Benson, 2014). Factor structure was examined to support construct validity. Results demonstrated the majority of the facets loaded onto each of their respective domains (Benson,