Rosenberg's Life Is Bondage

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LIFE IS BONDAGE provides the conceptual ground for the following lines from Rosenberg:
(“Girl to Soldier on Leave,” 1922, p. 100)
Implicitly does Rosenberg 's woman refer to the abject subjugation practiced upon the Jews during the “Babylonian Captivity,” and metaphorically does she link those days to the life of her man before the eruption of war. The soldier 's soul, according to this reading, is conceived of as if subjugated and enslaved, almost as if the curse of bondage from which his people have suffered for long is afflicted upon his psyche. Besides, slavery is commonly seen as including physical abuse, Lakoff and Turner (1989) note, such as shackling or fettering (p. 24). The expressions “weary gyves” and “tied your soul,” which