Economics Of Race And Gender In The Context Of Rosie The Riveter Film During the world war II, the economic and social arrangement in America and Europe underwent a serious change. This was because most energetic and able men were out in the battles leaving behind the old, children and women. The duty of providing for the families and the older citizens shifted from men to women. The constriction of solders throughout Europe and America also led labour shortage and companies, including arm manufacturing industries resorted to hiring women. Although there were millions of women working in the industries before the war, it become inevitable for women to take up men 's positions during the war and do jobs they would not do before. Those women who were reluctant to take up the men 's jobs were considered uncooperative. However after the war, the same women were expected to step down from their jobs some of which they had grown to like for men who came back. Other social problems experienced during the war were the shortage of housing and social amenities in towns as more women sort employment in factories. These economic implications as well as …show more content…
Rossie is over whelmed by responsibilities and has to to share the only available town house with her friend and town other night shift male households who work in an industry so that she can cater for her daily expenses. The land lady is not impressed with the idea but she has to contend with it since she also has to house a daughter and their grand children. The economical implication is that people can 't afford a lot of the things they need since the average income per house hold is minimum. This study with observe various concepts of economic and social responsibilities of the woman during the war and shortly after as portrayed in the Rosie the riveter drama