Since childhood, politics and political thought have been important to me. I grew up in a family and school system that was made up of mostly strong conservatives, so I was not surprised by my results on the political typology quiz, which ranked me as a “steadfast conservative”. Although these views may have been implanted by the environment I grew up in, I have formulated my own thoughts on politics in recent years, and they all seem to align closely with conservative values. The factors that have undoubtedly had the greatest influence on my political socialization are my family, my religion, and my schooling. Growing up in a conservative family obviously has a great impact on a person’s political views. Before I could even understand what politics was, I would hear my parents and extended family discussing conservatism and their opinions on our country’s leaders. For a while, I identified as a conservative strictly because of what my parent’s told me. …show more content…
I attended the rally with my mother, and I listened intently to Mr. Clinton’s speech. I quickly realized that I did not agree with many of the ideas he expressed, such as raising taxes, the redistribution of wealth, and the creation of more government programs. After the rally, I discussed what President Clinton said with my mother. She told me that she did not support what he proposed either. While it was a once in lifetime chance to be so close to a former president, I can still look back on that day and truthfully state that the progressive liberal concepts that were proposed by President Clinton do not appeal to