Man Is Born Free And Everywhere He Is In Chains Analysis

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This Essay will seek to explain the phrase, "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains," and why the meaning of it is important. I will then provide the views of Rousseau and Hobbes on the subject of free will and the state of nature. This will be followed by definitions on social institutions and how they are important in framing a structure in society. To conclude, I offer an explanation to show an intertwined relationship of man in chains of social systems wherein he has civil liberty but no personal liberty.
"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains," said Rousseau. This, however, puts the cart before the horse. It is true that man was born in chains, and has to struggle everywhere. Notwithstanding, however, his long history, man has not been able to get rid of his chains. Indeed, it would seem that nations sometimes, after having enjoyed a large measure of freedom for a sufficient period, return to their fetters when confronted with a crisis. In the light of reason, faith in a generous toleration is temporarily lost, and primitive forces once more rise to the surface and dominate the lives of men. Thus, the tortures of Prometheus are renewed by this thought process. But reason, though exiled, cannot be …show more content…

It is important to understand and agree to the system of authority. Without it, the State may be in a system of indiscipline, crime and chaos. The approach of general will and state of nature focused by the two philosophers is the essence of the utilitarian approach. The idea of general will is based on freedom, according to Hobbes; the state of nature was of war and man was constantly fighting. Human life according to Hobbes was, “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” Although cynical, Hobbes suggests that the life of an ordinary citizen will be better when he will be ruled by a