Rousseau's Critique Of Economic Inequality

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In the analysis “Rousseau’s Critique of Economic Inequality” the author argues for five specific points. While the author generally agrees with Rousseau, he does push back in a couple of areas or take the argument further. He also compares Rousseau’s argument to that of other philosophers who I have not yet studied. Instead, I looked introspectively at my own state of nature and evaluated where I derive my self-worth. Rousseau’s argument that empathy is missing from a reasoned society is evident all around us, yet our educational institutions, workforce and government reward the ambitious. Perhaps we can eliminate the chains we have put upon ourselves, but societal institutions provide no incentives to do so. 5 Points 1. Rousseau emphasizes the illegitimate social power of domination and its source in economic inequality. The author takes the position that these issues are under authorized by political theories. 2. Domination includes much more than being coerced to obey. For example, when the motivation for obedience is to secure the cooperation required in order to satisfy one’s needs, there can be domination without coercion, with actual consent. 3. Rousseau shows that domination extends beyond the political realm, where some have more say than …show more content…

Elected officials generally come from the more advantaged social class, therefore, they are the ones who write, adjudicate and execute the laws. Ergo, in a well-ordered society the less advantaged are able to vote and use their voice to keep the elites in or out of office, however our society doesn’t work this way. The high incumbency rate tells us that elected officials stay in office regardless of the quality of their representation. In addition, our extremely low voter turnout emphasizes the disconnect the American people feel to their elected leaders and the faith they have in the political system. Political parties design gerrymandering to keep the less advantaged from gaining power and a voice in