Rudyard Synge Criminal Justice Analysis

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In the beginning of this excerpt when Synge relates the anecdote of the Connaught man who killed his father, he suggests that this experience relates the “primitive feeling of these people…that a man will not do wrong unless he is under the influence of a passion…[and] they can see no reason why he should be dragged away and killed by the law.” While this seems to be an accurate assumption for the majority of cases, this is a potentially dangerous statement. The premise of this argument rests on the notion that the accused murderer feels remorse and is forever changed by their action. Yet this viewpoint falls apart and would be naive if the person who committed the crime is deranged and knowingly and unreservedly killed the person. If this …show more content…

It is worth noting that the author intertwines the presence of police as a part of the justice system since he goes on to describe the court case and its repercussions, thereby suggesting that the justice system as a whole brings about an increase in crime. This seems like an inaccurate statement in opposition to the motive and intent of justice systems throughout the world. The presence of police is pivotal in a fully functioning society because they protect the rights and property of all and protect the peace of the community, whether it be through solving domestic disputes, promoting community policing to ensure a tranquil social atmosphere, or apprehending and convicting criminals who break the law. Moreover, in a modern and civilized society policing involves the containment of enterprises and corporations through agencies such as the FDA, SEC, USDA, among many others, which protect us from dangerous medications, inappropriate chemicals in food, and insider trading, amongst many others. While in some cases policing and the strict judicial system in place promotes …show more content…

According to Synge, the islanders “think that the claim of kinship more sacred than the claims of abstract truth… and it is easy to believe that law dealings on this false basis must lead to every sort of injustice.” The belief that kinship is more sacred than the truth is generally implemented in real life situations although the justice system believes and attempts to sway itself to believe that the truth outweighs familial ties. Nonetheless, most would agree that in modern society loyalty and witness testimonies are unneeded and cases often rest on physical evidence and empirical evidence given that we live in the digital age. Furthermore, if someone commits an action that they know is against the law that they consented to following when they choose to live in that society, then family members and friends should step forward to protect the rights of the person who was harmed. If this is not the case, then the notion that loyalty and kinship result in greater injustices and a corruption of the justice system is a false assumption because in this case laws and justice are not dealing on a “false basis” but rather it is a failure in human nature of several individuals who place their emotions before doing the right thing and do not reciprocate the rights they are granted to others. That being said, laws and the justice system must be shaped around the