Rugby Vs Football Research Paper

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Rugby and Football are sports people like to compare often. They think its basically the same things with little change here and there. The differences make the sports completely different and unique from the other. Most of the time when people compare the two sport they always compare the full contact part of the games. When the positions and how they pass, and run the ball is different and a bunch of other things but do the differences make one better than the other. No, not at all they make the sport unique and different for the fans that watch them. Let’s start off with the equipment the sports have. In Football the equipment includes shoulders, knees, and thigh pads with a helmet. The equipment is to keep the players safe and had changed …show more content…

Most of the time they are in a v-formation trying get a Run. A Run is a score for rugby they are worth four points and get an extra point by kicking it in a post. How they are about to score is kick it the post or pass behind you and try to get in the end zone. When you are in the end zone you must touch the ball anywhere on the ground. The thing is the players only get six downs, as down is when a player get tackle with the ball and once your six downs are up the other team get it. On defense the way to stop them is to get them on the ground also known as tackling, once the tackle a scrum happens. A scrum is like fight for ground, you must stop them six times to get the ball like I said before. In Football, the offense has many formations and ways to get in the end zone. Players can either run or pass the ball and unlike rugby you can throw forward. There are six players that can touch the ball on a play, quarterback, running back, two wide receivers or two tight ends. On defense, it’s just the same but the offense get fours down and have a chance to get more down every ten yard. The tackling in football and rugby are different as well, in football most of the tackling is using aggression and forcing them down but in rugby its precise and using more of your

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