Ruining Our Friendships

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Are our Friendships Slowly Dieing Because of Technology?
Trinity cooper

It's time for the dictionary to update the definition of a conversation because I think we're replacing friends with screens(Tarshis,18) in other words, Social media is taking time away from going on walk to the park or playing basketball with your friends. My opinion is that social media is slowly making are friendships die away
Ever since facebook,instagram,snapchat,twitter and all those other apps have been invented People don't spend enough time face to face(Tarshis,17). Technology can ruin your friendships in many different ways, Like drama over facebook where someone started rumors. Like someone said this about you and then she said this about you and theres nothing …show more content…

These show that teens mostly socialize over that hand held device instead of going outside and setting on the porch with your best friend listening to music and talking about whatever. If we're constantly checking on are virtual worlds it leaves no time for real world relationships( Tarnish,18,19).
Some people think its the other way around,they say that technology brings there friends even closer but they can always talk somehow when they can't go to other people's houses. I somewhat agree with this but Its also a good idea to take a break from your friends too. A Lot of teens say It brings them closer to family and friends that leave 100 miles away which is good but you can also always take a vacation to where they live.
In the essay above I stated my opinion that social media is killing are friendships. I say this because you can't have a real relationship without face to face communication. Communication is really important in friendships and 76% of teens use social median for that communication. Why would anyone want to stay inside and play virtual baseball or talk to your friends when you can go outside and do all of it in real life. I know that social media is a way easier thing to do but getting a piece of paper and writing on it is not that hard ethire. So that's all I have to say about technology killing your