Running With Scissors Chapter Summary

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Running From Childhood The autobiographical narrative, Running with Scissors, by Augusten Burroughs is a retelling of youth lost to a world of sex and pre-mature adulthood. Isinkjbfiaobgubsaogbszjbf The book opens with his mom, unhappy with her image and swearing up a storm in front of the mirror. Already, the household Augusten is raised seems very different from a ‘normal’ family. His father becomes abusive and dangerous and his mother’s sanity became significantly more questionable with each passing day. Eventually his mother decides to move them both away from the father and admit Augusten to a therapist, not only for his separation from his father, but also Augusten’s homosexuality. He is introduced to Dr. Finch. Soon after meeting Dr. Finch, Augusten’s mother begins to see him daily, not for her son, but because she had grown ‘fond’ of him. Augusten falls in with Hope, Natalie, and Bookman. Hope quickly becomes his best friend and Bookman, who is 33 years old, becomes his lover. Augusten decides he can’t handle school anymore and his mother and Dr. Finch help him fake a suicide attempt, getting him out of school for a couple of months. …show more content…

Finch’s house because his father had begun looking for them. While at Finch’s house, Augusten begins to dream of being a beautician and begins to have nightly ‘rendezvous’ with Bookman. Hope begins to offer 13 year old Augusten beer and cigarettes, and he accepts every time. Bookman’s nightly visits become increasingly more and more verbally violent every night. Slurs and profanity are thrown between them carelessly, leading to hurt feelings and multiple fights. Natalie and Hope’s relationship becomes more than a sibling rivalry with profane names being used every time they see each other in passing, Augusten states that he mainly tries to stay out of the entire