Rya Ryan's Recovery In Coming Back By David Hill

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Coming Back is a novel by David Hill. In the book, the main character, Ryan, hits a girl, Tara, in a car crash and she is faced with the possibility of debilitating injuries. Throughout Tara's recovery process Ryan tries to fix his mistake and on the way finds out who he really is. Ryan is frequently described as a "nice kid". This is obvious throughout the novel as he never fails to be honest, own up to his mistakes and be loyal to the girl he hit and her recovery process. An example of him being the nice kid he is often described as is when he commits himself to Tara's recovery process. This is because by doing this he is doing something to help fix his mistake, he is aware that what he did to Tara can never be undone, but by helping her with her recovery, he isn't forgetting about his mistake and trying to forget that it happened instead he is becoming a better person by helping fix it and earn her and her family's forgiveness. …show more content…

Although Ryan is not physically harmed by the car crash he is mentally traumatized and the events of that night will be with him forever. An example of this is when Ryan comes home one night and begins throwing taekwondo kicks and punches at his door. This action shows the emotional pain and trauma that he is experiencing because he is confused and hurt by his own actions that he does not know how to express it other than with his fists. He recovers mentally by discovering that in order to move past the accident he has to first forgive