Ryan Hallig Cyberbullying In The United States

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Ryan Halligan was a thirteen year old boy, in Vermont. He was bullied in school and cyberbullied at home. He was threatened, insulted and taunted by classmates online. He later told his parents what was happening. Ryan tried to make the bullies stop and failed) On October 3, 2003 Ryan took his own life by hanging him self at the young age of thirteen, and was found by his older sister. ( https://nobullying.com/ryan-halligan/ ) Cyberbullying is a crime and a punishable defense, if there were laws against things like this Ryan could still be alive today. Cyberbullying is major problem. Eighty-seven percent of the population have witnessed cyberbullying.( TeenSafe.com,2016) Thirty-four percent of the world have admitted to being cyberbullied,

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