Saboteur Ha Jin Analysis

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In Ha Jin’s short story “Saboteur “, the protagonist, Mr Chiu is a Harbin university professor who is on his last day of honeymoon trip. He and his bride are having a lunch in the restaurant at Muji station where two corrupt police officers throw tea of them and arrest Mr Chiu for disturbing the peace. Protesting for his innocence, he is thrown into the jail. Mr Chiu changes from an ethical and faithful communist party member into a mass murderer. Before Mr Chiu is arrested by police from Muji city, he displays a distinctly right minded characteristic. When the police officers throws tea cup to them, even though it is understandable to be mad considering the circumstance, demands an apology in a polite manner: “Comrade Policemen, your duty is to keep order … Why violate the law you are suppose to enforce?”(HaJin 185). However, Mr Chiu gets arrested in front of his wife in his last day of his honeymoon trip as a result. Not only he acts in a righteous way, he is very considerate to his wife: “Don’t wait for me here … to get me …show more content…

After he was released from the police. He displays his furious mindset when he was released from the police station: “If he were able … razed the entire police station and eliminated their family”(Ha Jin 191). Disgusted by city of Muji, Mr Chiu finds that spreading the disease to kill innocent people is the only way to payback: “If only I could kill all the bastards!”(Ha Jin 191). Realizing the teacher’s intent of going to multiple restaurants just to barely eating any food, Fenjin descrives his teacher’s action to be ‘ugly’: “For the first time Fenjin thought of Mr. Chiu as an ugly man”(Ha Jin 192). ‘Ugly man’ symbolizes Mr Chiu’s baleful character quality that he exhibits. ‘For the first time’ suggests that Fenjin have never seen Mr Chiu’s malevolent character quality which suggest his decayed moral state which he never initially