Safety Policies In We Care And Trust Company

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Safety Policies Dominique Haynes Columbia Southern University Safety policies Accidents and mishaps are unexpected situations that can affect individuals and groups at any time and any place. Majority of accidents are unplanned, from being absent-minded and carelessness from a person within a company. therefore, it can cause serious injuries and loss to a company. In this essay, I will be discussing three major safety and health policies which are consistent with health administration and occupational safety. The policies discussed in this essay address major safety and health issues and how we apply them at We Care & Trust company. The following three major issues that we will address are substance abuse at work, safety concerns and …show more content…

Workers and patients may be using drug and substance, which could possibly lead to serious effects for that person and the company. While majority of organizations think that alcohol or drug addiction is a personal matter if he employee does not bring it to work, but at We Care and Trust company we recognize the long-term effects drug that substance abuse may have on an individual. Therefore, we felt the need to develop a written substance abuse policy within the company statement. Because at We Care and Trust we believe that the staff members and clients should not have to ever worry. About their health and well-being when their depending on someone else in the facility. We Care and Trust Inc, recognizes that drug and substance abuse can have serious consequences on the safety and health of both our employees and clients. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the health and safety of all our employees, contractors and temporary workers (Rahim, 2014). The substances covered under this policy include alcohol, heroin, cocaine, over-the-counter drugs and synthetic …show more content…

Orientation shall be the function of the supervisor. All employees must be oriented through the safety procedures available accident reporting. Accidents must be reported to the caretaker no matter how minor such accidents may seem (Jung, 2014). All employees of We Care & Trust shall maintain confidentiality as to what caused the accident, or whose mistake it was. The caretaker shall be responsible for such after launching an investigation into such accidents and then report to the supervisor. All employees will be required to wear protective clothing as stated by the personal protective equipment policy. Also, the company shall not be liable for individuals who ignore this

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