Salem Witch Trials Vs Mccarthyism Analysis

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You never knew if people were telling the truth or just making up a lie because they didn't like that person, so they tried to get that person into trouble, During the Salem Witch Trials many people were (charged with a crime) of talking to the devil. According to Senator Joseph McCarthy started the panic/very strong emotion that happened after the second Red Scare and (charged with a crime) U.S. people (who lawfully live in a country, state, etc.) of being communists. These Statements (that someone has done something bad) appealed to Midwestern Americans who found that anti-communism was to fight against liberals and internationalists. It took over the U.S. as a means of fighting communism without achieving that the U.S. was in danger of losing what it was fighting for, …show more content…

Arthur Miller used his novel to make people aware of communism and what was happening during that time period. Their might have been a small difference between McCarthyism and The Salem Witch Trials but a very small difference. But they still talked about the same idea and were focused on eliminating the enemy. As a result of the recent increase of the Cold War and the spread of communism throughout the world, domestic (mental disorder where you believe people want to hurt you) concerning communist invasion increased. This laid the foundation for the (acts of asking questions and trying to find the truth about something) of the House Un-American Activities Committee. Taking Advantage of this "Red Scare" was Senator Joseph McCarthy who used the fear and panic of United States people (who lawfully live in a country, state, etc.) to advance his own interests. Though many Americans believed the (acts of asking questions and trying to find the truth about something) were wrong, few said anything.about the situations going on during that time