Salt, Sugar, And Fat, Moss, By Michael Moss

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The fast food industry also hurts environments around farms in general. It has created an unsustainable cycle that farmers cannot escape. In order to feed themselves and their family, farmers play it safe and buy more fertilizer than needed. When the farmers do not use all of it, they must dispose of it, because that fertilizer will not be as effective next year, so they dump the fertilizer in the areas surrounding their farms. But what this causes is too much nitrogen in the environment because too much nitrogen can kill plants and throw the nitrogen cycle out of balance, in turn hurting the environment. In addition to hurting the environment, Pollan argues that because fast food restaurants need so much meat for their burgers and other food …show more content…

In the prologue of his book Salt, Sugar, and Fat, Moss recounts a time when CEOs of processed food giants, including General Mills, Pillsbury, and others, gathered to address the issue that many medical experts were slamming processed food as very unhealthy. Moss uses his word choice to paint former General Mills CEO Stephen Sanger in a very bad light when he writes, “But most often, he said, people bought what they liked, and they liked what tasted good. ‘Don’t talk to me about nutrition,’ [Sanger] reportedly said, taking on the voice of the typical consumer. ‘Talk to me about taste, and if this stuff tastes better, don’t run around trying to sell stuff that doesn’t taste good.’ To react to the critics, Sanger said, would jeopardize the sanctity of the recipes that had made his products so successful. General Mills would not pull back. He would push his people onward, and he urged his peers to do the same.” (Moss xx). Moss’s phrases such as “push his people onward” and focussing on Sanger’s point that taste is king to customers, not nutritional value make readers picture him as a stubborn who does not care one bit about the health of American people. Moss tries to portray Sanger as someone who just does not give a damn unless his company is in trouble. As a solution, Moss wants the government to have stricter regulations that are more effectively enforced to prevent processed food companies from putting the health of Americans at