
Summary: The Color Of Water By James Mcbride

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James McBride underwent an idiosyncratic life like no other; In illustration, he grew up to a penniless Jewish Jewish mom that he had a miniscule comprehension of, 11 siblings ranging in colors from chocolate black to cream white, and two fathers that would ultimately perish before he attained the age of adulthood. On the contrary, he and his siblings grew up, despite being poverty-stricken, to take on occupations such as doctors, teachers, lawyers, and journalists. This very scenario appears peculiar and odd to the general, but snugs itself well in The Color of Water ; A contentious and suspenseful memoir where James McBride, the main character, pieces the lost fragments of his unknown past. James does so in recent chapters by embarking on a travel across Virginia and New …show more content…

Similarly, Salt To The Sea, my second story, manges to do such as well by illustrating the terrors of war. Set in the declining end of War World War 2, Salt To The Sea takes the perspectives of 4 individuals as they make their adventures throughout Eastern Europe to escape the wrath of Hitler and face refuge in a ship that could save their lives. In recent chapters, the story features the perspectives of mainly Alfred, Florian, and Joana as they aboard the ship that is escaping the Nazi Germany reign of Eastern Prussia while Emilia, on the other hand, is facing interaction. After boarding, however, the ship is consequently struck by Russian torpedoes which requires the passengers to frantically escape via lifeboats and rescue ships, a taxing situation that is open to questioning and speculation along with the motives of James Bride in The Color of Water. Because of the complexity of the two stories, I was able to question myself why James McBride wrote the story, Predict what will happen to the crew, and visualize the environment of Eastern Prussia and the

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