Setting up a direct marketing plan will provide Sam & Spike’s Diner with a platform to raise brand awareness and generate sales. Providing coupons for customers in local papers is a great way to start the process. The coupons will be set up to give customers great deals at a cost where the diner will break even. Local customers are more likely to come into the restaurant and become repeat customers after using a coupon deal (Queensland Government, 2018). The goal of this campaign is to attract new customers and get local customers to try our products and talk about them after. A discount program is another good way to capture a larger group of customers and attract new customers. Creating a discount plan will help make the decision to purchase …show more content…
It is necessary for Sam & Spike’s Diner to create accounts on multiple different sites and start to generate content well before the grand opening. There is a certain science on how to post on social media in order to capture customers effectively. It is said that posting anywhere from 4 to 10 times a week is appropriate for any business. This will ensure you keep customers engaged without flooding their news feeds with advertisements about the company. The best time to post contests, reminders, and other information is in the early afternoon. Interaction will start immediately and continue for the next 4-6 hours (Hughes, 2016). These posts need to be used to create a buzz and attract attention for the grand opening of the …show more content…
Around 51% of consumers turn to internet sources when searching for a restaurant to eat at. Search engines are a common way that customers look for businesses within a certain area and 38% of consumers rely on them to search for a new business (Abdoulaye, 2014). Sam & Spike’s Diner needs to use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to boost the web presence of the website and social media sites. SEO tools are used to place your online accounts above the competition when people search keywords associated to your business. For example, if someone searches “food near me” on Google, the use of SEO will make sure the first link posted is for Sam & Spike’s Diner. Along with using SEO tools to make the company easy to find, Sam & Spike’s needs to put their social media handles and website on all packaging and receipts. If a customer has a complaint or review, making the diner easy to contact will allow us to settle issues before they become detrimental to the