Sample Case Study Of Jamestown

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6. Captain John Smith: famous world traveler, 27 yo, helped save Jamestown, power in Jamestown divided among feuding leaders→ Smith became president fall of 1608, work and order in the community, raids on Indian villages for food/captives= 2nd winter 12 of the 200 died; by the time he had to leave summer 1609 Jamestown showed survival potential
E. Reorganization
1. London Co.=Virginia Co.; got new charter that increased its power, expanded area; sold stock (which raised capital) to explorers, then planters who migrate= free passage to Virginia for poor who could serve 7 years
2. Great Fleet (9 vessels w 600 people to Virginia) launched spring 1609
3. The Starving Time (winter of 1609-1610): 1 ship lost @ sea, 1 stranded on Bermuda island for …show more content…

O leads other unsuccessful attack 1644→ end challenging eastern area of the colony
9. Demise of the Virginia Company: Virginia Co. put all funds into Jamestown, Indian attack 1622, 1624 James I takes charter→ under his control until 1776
H. Exchanges of Agricultural Technology
1. English blamed natives for unsuccessfulness in finding gold/precious commodities
2. Indian Agricultural Techniques: how Jamestown survived, more adapted to soil/climate, neatly ordered field w many crops
a. Clearing fields: “girdled” trees (killed in place, deep incisions around base, or set fire to roots), planted crops in curve around stump
b. Euros began to appreciate corn; could produce more, stalks could be source of sugar, spoiled less easily, grew beans next corn to enrich soil
I. Maryland and the Calverts
1. Dream of George Calvert (first Lord Baltimore; recent Catholic convert, businessman)
2. Envisioned the colony: venture in real estate, retreat for English Catholics (oppressed by Anglican est.)
3. Proprietary Rule: 1632 his son Cecilius (second Lord Baltimore) got charter: land with parts of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, pres-day Maryland; he and heirs would have absolute control over area (only had to pay annual fee to king of …show more content…

Protestants kept Catholics from voting/repealed Toleration Act
c. Violence; 1655 a civil war replaced proprietary govt w protestant-dominated one
8. Maryland adopts headright system: 1640 labor shortage→ change in land grant procedure (100 acres to each man, 100 for wife/each servant, 50 for each child)
9. Center of tobacco cult., used indentured Euro servants, then slaves
J. Turbulent Virginia
1. Virginia’s Westward Expansion: border conflicts w Indians as moved west,
2. Sir William Berkeley got to Virginia 1642 (36 yo), appointed governor my King Charles I—had control until 1670s
a. Popular at first; sent explorers across Blue Ridge Mntns.- put down 1644 Indian uprising- got land from Indians, agreed not to cross/settle west of a line= failure (bc Virginia pop growth)
b. 1640-1650: pop doubled from 8,000 to 16,000 1660: 40,000
3. 1652: 3 English territories est. in area set aside for Indians
4. Berkeley’s Autocratic Rule: first burgesses elected 1619 (men 17+ vote), 1670 vote only for landowners (elections rare), each county had 2 reps,
K. Bacon’s Rebellion (military challenge to colonial govt)
1. 1676: backcountry unrest, political rivalries
2. Bacon (Cambridge grad) arrives 1673 in