
Sample Concert Review

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Concert Review #2
The concert I attended on November 27, 2017 was a Senior Trumpet Recital featuring Daniel Rhu, with accompaniment from Winifred Goodwin on the piano. The recital was given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Daniel Rhu’s Bachelors of Music in Trumpet Performance.
• Trumpet Concerto in D Major (Johann Friedrich Fasch): o Allegro-This piece had a very syncopated, simple meter and large dynamic range in that showcased Mr. Rhu’s abilities very well. This section was overall enjoyable to listen to. o Largo-To match this section’s “Largo” namesake, the piece did not have a clear form or rhythm and every note was played in a legato style. o Allegro (Tempo di Minuetto)-This piece featured the orchestra more with a polyphonic …show more content…

Rhu and the pianist end all their phrases with musical consonance, which is very pleasing as an audience member to listen to. o Andante-This piece was compound in meter with a melody that stayed almost exclusively in the middle range of the trumpet. This allowed Mr. Rhu to show off his tone quality. o Allegro-This was a very interesting (and probably my favorite) piece. It was organized in ternary form, however, the ‘B’ in the ABA style was always different than the ‘B’ section before it, however, the piece would always return to the same ‘A’ section. The piece seemed difficult from a technicality standpoint with a very large range of pitches, coupled with an allegro tempo and an abundance of ritardando and accelerando sections. Mr. Rhu did a wonderful job executing this piece and was great to listen to.
• Sonate für Trompete und Klavier (Paul Hindemith) o Mit Kraft-This piece was in a minor key and had a 6/8 time signature. almost all the notes were swung, while the piano accompaniment led the charge in any dynamic/timing changes. This piece was very interesting because it seemed almost like it had a jazz influence despite being of German origin during World War II

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