Sample Nursing Concept Analysis

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Patient entering into the healthcare setting often hae their expectation and hope of receiving prompt and uptimal ealthcare services delivered in a professional way, and that any complication that may arise as a result of their illhealth or treatment plan will be promptly identified and treated appropriately. Therefore, complications and deaths from treatable complications, which are preventable clearly reflects the failures of the system of care that patients have placed themselves.
Failure-to-rescue is indeed a new concept growing in popularity as a eans of measuring hospital quality of healthcare services. This concept has been utilized as a measure in various medical and nursing publications, hospitals and other institutions involved …show more content…

According to walker and avant [2005], concept analysis in nursing research serves the purpose of examining the basic elements of a concept by revealing its internal structure and critical attributes. Since knowledge is power and changes over time, therefore, the understanding of any concept should be considered a dynamic, ongoing process responsive t to new ideas, knowledge and experience [meleis, 2005].
The aim of this study was to present a concept analysis of the phenomenon failure-to-rescue.
Scientific literatures and researches were utilized in order to derive at a definition the will help explain the concept of failure-to-rescue. The PUBmed search engine database reveals 3,851 articles similar to the concept. 2,405 of such articles were published in the last ten years. Dictionaries and textbooks were perused to elicit vital information regarding the concept as well. Walker and avant [2005], method of concept analysis was used in order define the concept of failure-to-rescue.
Dictionaries and thesaurus