Throughout this assignment, each student was expected to individually investigate the details of his or her chosen country. The research paper was to be completed according to the checklist provided. To direct each student on the right path, the checklist challenged each student to examine the geographic, cultural, economic, and business factors of his or her country. During the research process, plenty of time was taken to ensure that each resource was reliable and accurate. Aside from the web, information was also gathered from documentaries and past investigations. All in all, this assignment has given me a greater understanding about my country and has proved that international business is vital to a country’s growth and success. …show more content…
Mexico is the 8th most visited country in the world. Consequently, the tourism industry employs 2.6 million people, which constitutes about 10% of the workforce. The agriculture industry employs 25-30% of the workforce, most of which work for small businesses. Crops that are used for exports are usually handled by bigger companies. What is the average household income? What is the average number of children per household? What is the poverty rate and how many children live below …show more content…
As it stands, Mexico’s average net disposable income is $16 689 CDN. The total poverty rate in Mexico rose from 2012 and reached 46.2% in 2014. This is equivalent to 55.3 million in the country (“Mexican government says poverty rate rose to 46.2 percent in 2014”, 2015). Furthermore, Mexico is also one of the countries with the highest child poverty rates. Here are some quick facts about poverty in Mexico: ¬ More than 20 million children and adolescents live in poverty. That’s over 30% of all the people living in poverty. ¬ 5 million children live in extreme poverty. ¬ 10% of the people live in extreme poverty (12 million people). ¬ Around 25 million make less than $14 USD per day ¬ Mexico’s GDP per person is only $14 000, despite having a total GDP of 1.283 trillion dollars. This means that there is a considerable gap between the rich and the poor. (“Cady, 2015) (“The majority of poor in Mexico are children – UN report”, 2013) Political What is the current political party in power? Is this a communist or democratic country? Describe the political