
Samurai Honor In Japanese Culture

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The Samurai, elite Japanese warriors, have been a source of interest for centuries. They were prominent during the Heian period (794-1185) and still are to this day due to their efficiency in battle and honor code called Bushido. The word ‘Samurai’ means ‘those who serve’ and that’s exactly what they did. They were servants of the Daimyos (great lords), they defended the Shogun and later dominated the Japanese government. Their intriguing characteristics and numerous achievements are what makes each generation remember them. The famous Bushido honor code, also known as ‘the way of the warrior’, is one of the many things people admire about the Samurai. It was the moral code adopted after Shinto was made the state religion in Japan. The Japanese …show more content…

Justice stood for making decisions backed up with reasons that made sense. Courage stood for being brave and doing whatever one believes is correct. Benevolence stood for having sympathy and mercy at the right time during battle and realizing that they killed someone for a reason. Respect stood for being polite and respecting their elders, others beliefs and their life. Honesty stood for others being able to trust you. Honor stood for making sure everything they did was honorable. Finally, loyalty stood for treating each-other like family and protecting one another. Apart from these 7 virtues, the Samurai warriors follow other sets of rules as well. A few similar rules they also live by are: they must obey their lords, drunkenness and rudeness are forbidden and they must live a simple life. These codes/rules are what set the Samurai apart from other warriors since they followed this intriguing honor code every day and in battle. Another interesting aspect about the Samurai is the unique type of weapons they used and their distinctive names. One famous medieval Japanese weapon used in battle is the Katana
(sword). The Katana is the first weapon the Samurai utilized and also the most important one …show more content…

The Wakizashi is a secondary weapon just in case the warriors ever find themselves in combat indoors. Since the Katana is a very long sword, they created the Wakizashi to have a backup if they ever find themselves in a situation where they cannot use the Katana. Although all the different types of weapons the warriors used are fascinating, their armor is another intriguing thing that represents the Samurai. Their armor consists of a body protector, skirt, helmet and an iron mask. One facet most people are interested in is the divided skirt since it’s rare to use in battle. The divided skirt allowed the soldiers to move easily and twist/turn on their horse while having protection for their hips. Along with the skirt, the warriors utilized breast plates made out of iron that are decorated with gold and silver powders. Each warrior has a different decoration on their breastplate that represents who they believe in and look up to. In conclusion, the Samurai warriors are very important figures in history that represent Japan.
These warriors symbolize hard work, dedication and respect. The honor code they followed helped allow the warriors to stand out since it includes many rules about loyalty and

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