
Samurai Vs Knights Research Paper

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What do you think a world is without weapons? What are the differences and similarities of these far away armies.Although similar in weapons and armor, samurai and Knights have extreme differences in views of education and views of religion. Samurai and Knights used different types of armour but in a way similar with similar types of weapons. Samurai have four types of weapons they use like a short sword, a longsword, a bow, and a spear. The shortsword was used for beheading and the long ones were for regular combat, they also trained with a bow until they can hit a bullseye with their eyes closed. This is significant because the Knights only have three types of weapons and don't practice until their perfect like the samurai. The Knights have heavy metal plated armour that makes it hard for Knights to move. Samurai have different armour called kimonos but use almost the same chain mail, but this chain makes it so they can move faster. This is significant because they have totally different outer armour but have quite the same chain mail. As you can see samurai and Knights weapons aren't too far apart. …show more content…

Samurai spend most of their time one education. Samurai spend most their time on learning how to write a haiku( a 5,7,5 syllable poem). This is significant because Knights don't learn any of this stuff they think that learning to fight is better. Knights primarily focused on their fighting so fighting was their education. Knights spent most of their time learning to fight and become strong so they can carry their armor, also they needed to know how to operate the weapons. This is significant because the samurai spend most of their time meditating and learning to write unlike trying to get stronger to defeat the enemy. Samurai and Knights have very different views of education especially when it comes to

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