Sandy Hook Promise Rhetorical Analysis

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Sandy Hook Promise, ‘Evan’ Why Is it successful? The commercial starts with the story of a red-headed boy having conversations with a secret partner by carving into a library table. The commercial seems light hearted and shows audiences a budding, teenage romance but that is soon changed as thing turn for the worst as a classmate performs a school shooting as revenge. The commercials success was due to this twist ending as Sandy Hook Promise knew viewers would only see the romance instead of the struggle in the background. What Advertising Technique is used? Sandy Hook Promise uses the propaganda technique, plain folks, through the use of teenagers in very real life situation for some to relate to. The average teenager surrounds this …show more content…

This advertisement gains it success simply from its humor. The use of random imagery such as diamonds, ships, a man naked in the shower, is used to reel in viewers with fast paced, random humor that audiences can not comprehend but all they remember is that it is Old Spice. What Advertising Technique is used? The use of the propaganda technique, Transfer, is prominent in this commercial as the naked man in the shower asks women at home to look at the man next to them and then back at the screen, claiming that their man will never look like him but could smell like him if they use Old Spice Products. What audience is being targeted? This commercial targets the girlfriends and Wives of the world through use of comparison to the man in the commercial to the man in their life. Also men are targeted in this commercial, as they reel them in to buy the product only for the attention of their partner. How does this ad appeal to the target audience and what message is being …show more content…

The overall message in the 30 second commercial is, in order to be a man you have to smell like one. Image result for old spice Dos Equis: Most Interesting Man in the World Why Is it successful? Just as Old Spice, Dos Equis uses humor in the commercial ‘Most interesting Man in the World,’ with broken social standards such as touching exhibits at museums to make him seem interesting and edgy. This brought about its success by making people feel he is worth listening to based on his label. What Advertising Technique is used? The propaganda technique, assertion, is prominently used in this advertisement. This is shown through the lack of proof that the “Most Interesting Man Alive” doesn’t always drink beer but will only drink Dos Equis. How does an audience know if he actually is drinking that beer, also is this man actually the “Most Interesting Man Alive?” What makes him worthy of such title? He’s allowed to touch the art in museums? Most people have done that in their years of childhood wonder. Where is the proof that this man is worth the admiration of the mass? What audience is being