Albert Einstein once said, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” Fairy tales are children’s stories about magical and imaginary characters and lands. Along with Albert Einstein, some parents and many others think that Fairy tales are a powerful and positive part of child’s future. Other parents may argue that they are horrific and shouldn’t be read to children. Also, that they bring their children to not so happy tears. However, some grown adults have fond memories of their childhood, going to sleep to a wonderful fairy tale. I strongly believe that children should be read fairy tales in order to develop critical thinking skills, help children with their emotions themselves and boost a child’s imagination and creative thoughts.
When a child is being read fairy tales, they are probably listening and finding their favorite character. Unlike adults, children will listen carefully to that specific character and maybe repeat what they do, because who doesn’t want to be like their favorite prince or princess? In Saoirse Docherty’s article on 5 Reasons Why Fairy Tales are Good
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The adolescents decisions and responsibilities may not always be the easiest to do or make and could lead to variations of emotional difficulties. Docherty adds in paragraph eight, “child psychologist Bruno Bettelheim, who specialised in the importance of fairy tales in childhood, believes that fairy tales can aid children in dealing with anxiety they are, as yet, unable to explain. In many adults opinions, fairy tales will prepare and fill children with the understanding and confidence to do the many things teens and adults do. This reveals that by reading and being read fairy tales will help a child out extremely, dealing with and handling emotions