Sardis Book Report

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Revelation 3:4 But you do have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments, and because they are worthy, they will walk with Me in White. Some of them had rejected being filled with My Holy Spirit because they had not truly repented in all ways at that point, and I will not fill someone with My Holy Spirit until they have truly repented. Moreover, those who defiled themselves were not clothed in White at that time because they were not holy because they had rejected My Holy Spirit in enough ways that I had not filled them with My Holy Spirit at that time; only those filled with My Holy Spirit were already clothed in White and thus walking with Me. Those who defiled themselves by rejecting My Holy Spirit were told to repent in …show more content…

A person is themselves as they are, and if such a person is an empty nest of the spirit dress, then they are flying solo: they are an island by themselves if they are not one in Me. The outer idea is that one is ass-out until I have filled one of the elect with My Holy Spirit and thereby clothed one in a White Robe, for I Am not only in one but also throughout one and cover one in some senses as Well. I Am the Helper, and I give those in whom I dwell different levels of Help, at different times, while they draw each breath, and so on, among the inhabitants of the earth. Sometimes, I back off in various ways, to different degrees, and let such people do their own things while I Help them on a more basic level, such as merely keep them breathing, and so forth, and at other times I work through them and manifest Myself in them and through them in more advanced …show more content…

And if anyone takes away from the Words of this Book of prophecy, God will take away his portion in the Tree of Life and in the holy city that are written in this Book If someone were to take the Book of Revelation and add words to it to change the meaning of something in it on purpose and publish it in public or take things out and do likewise on purpose to try to trick people, then such a person would have earned after death nightmares and not be in heaven for that portion of their life if they were an elect person and of course if a nonelect person were to do as such, then they would have several problems added to them for their hell forever experience. There are different levels of torture in after death nightmares compared with hellfire out of a body for the nonelect. Notice that I Am the Tree of Life and it says: and in the holy city, meaning an elect person enduring the torments of their after death nightmares takes place in the holy city of heaven, but they do not feel as if they are in heaven yet of course since they are experiencing top levels of earthly types of pains. Put it this way: there also are other types of nightmares in addition to what is described in the Book of