Satire About Racers

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“VROOOM” it’s a race around the world and I’m in dead last. Ugh why me, why did I have to get hit by road spikes why. I now have to fix my tires and, I also have to catch up to the other racers this is going to be hard. So while I’m fixing my car why don’t I tell you about the race. This is the race around the world and it’s kinda self explanatory. You have to race around the world. So the rules are, you can do anything, except get off the general course or kill another racer. You can pick your own car and add things to make it better. So we have to cross oceans, mountains and regular road that is what makes it so hard the all terrain parts. Here is a map of the race. We go from North America to Oceania to Asia to Europe to South America, then finally back to North America. Now I have my tire fixed so let's get a move on. This race takes multiple days for most people, but some years people go at super speeds. This year, fortunately doesn’t have a single person with super speed, of course, that might be …show more content…

But I’m not going fast enough I’m guessing that the people ahead of me are flying and making better progress due to the fact that the wind is helping them. Wait a second, I should be using the current to help me go faster. I dive down to where I think is a nice strong current that benefits me. WOO HOO this is taking me faster than I thought it would. Uh oh, I think this current might not have been the best choice after all. The race officials must be shooting torpedoes down this current and I’m barely escaping them. “SCRAPE”, one of the torpedoes scraped my side with one of the fins. Water is seeping into my sub this could be my end. NO I must win I kick my sub into overdrive and turn on my spare motor and kick that one into overdrive as well. I must make it to land or die

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