Satire Essay On Abortion

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Whose choice is it? Organizations such as “Planned Parenthood” are telling people that abortions are completely fine for pregnant women to get. There are many “Pro-Life” groups opposed to this program. Abortion is not morally correct because it is unfair to children that do not have a choice, a fetus is still human, and killing humans is murder, and couples can prevent pregnancy with birth control or abstinence.

Pro abortionists argue that women should have a choice in whether or not they want a child. While women should have a choice in many things they do, why doesn’t the child get a choice? A fetus, when aborted, kicks, fights back, and tries to “fight for it’s life”, according to former abortionist Abby Johnson. She continued, “It’s …show more content…

If a child is not made, then it can’t be aborted. There are many ways to avoid pregnancy. Such ways include making men wear condoms. They cost anywhere from $0.50-$1.00, and even though some say are uncomfortable, are very effective. Another option is birth control pills. They have a very high percentage rate of stopping a pregnancy before it happens, as high as 99.9% as reports. The last option is the most effective, abstinence, or not having sexual intercourse, will guarantee that a woman will not get pregnant. It is true, people do get sexually assaulted/ raped and become pregnant, but that is a very rare scenario and rapes account for less than 1% of all abortions (, and the child is still innocent and should not be harmed.

Abortion is not morally correct because it is unfair to children that do not have a choice, a fetus is still human, and killing humans is murder, and couples can prevent pregnancy with birth control or abstinence. Even though a low percentage of pregnancies are unpreventable, it is still not fair to kill a child to prevent a responsibility burden on a