Satire Essay On Doping In Sports

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Doping In today’s society, we crave a winner from tee play games to Major League Baseball games and everything else in-between. Being someone who played travel softball since the age of ten I understand the pressures that come along with sports. Pressures come from every angle: coaches, teammates, parents, and self. Personally, I found that I put the most pressure on myself I would stand in the batter’s box with complete external focus but inside I would say, “you suck, you’re not going to hit this”. I was putting myself down in order to prove myself wrong. My parents were not the type to say, “it’s okay maybe next time” or “it’s just a game”. No, they were the parents that yelled from center field with a Miller Light in their hands. Sometimes …show more content…

But the pressure that surrounded me never led to the use of doping. I always believed in the saying, “practice makes perfect” or “cheaters never prosper”. My thoughts on the people who do use performance enchantments however are not one track minded, I understand the temptation especially for professional athletes. Their pressures are from: the world, media, records, coaches, family members, agents, companies that give them endorsements and the list goes on. Taking my emotions out of the idea of doping and going strictly off research my conclusion stands, there should be rules prohibiting the use of performance enhancement drugs (doping) in sports. Yes, drug use should be against the rules in every sport. In Wiesing’s 2011 article, he explores the option of legalizing performance enhancing drugs under medical supervision. First, he explains the concept of what this would mean. Some doping would be legal to a certain extent with a doctor’s instruction. Wiesing argues that just the idea has problems because if the WADA approves this they would be liable for any side effect (including death) of the performance enchantments which they would not want to be liable for. He argues a handful of other valid points but one that effectively

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