Satirical Themes In Elie Wiesel's 'Night'

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When you love someone, you will do anything to protect them. This is human nature, nobody wants anything to happen to a person dear to them. Jojo Rabbit directed by Taika Waititi is a satirical comedy about a 10-year-old Nazi fanatic. Jojo grows from a blind Nazi enthusiast in the beginning of the movie to an anti Nazi German towards the end of the movie. Night by Elie Wiesel is a memoir detailing Wiesel’s experiences during the holocaust. Night and Jojo Rabbit both share the same ideas of the protagonist protecting someone they love. Jojo finds a Jewish girl named Elsa hidden in his walls. Jojo grows to like her, so he covers for her and makes sure she is in good spirits. Elie and his father were both placed into labor camps during the holocaust, …show more content…

He is scared of her and tries reasoning with her to leave. He even threatens to tell the gestapo about her. Elsa responds, “Go on then, tell them. But you know what happens if you do? I’ll say you helped me. And your mother too. Then we’ll all be kaput. And if you tell her you know about me… just one word.” (Jojo Rabbit). Originally Jojo did not like the idea of hiding a Jewish girl in his home, but he realized he had no choice. If he told on Elsa, he would also get his mom in trouble because she was the one hiding her. Jojo got guilt-tripped into protecting Elsa, but at the same time he was actively protecting his mother and …show more content…

Germany won the war.” (Jojo Rabbit). Jojo lied to Elsa, trying to keep her from leaving him. Jojo felt like that was the only way he could keep Elsa in his life. This was wrong, but Jojo just wanted to keep his new older sister safe. Like Jojo rabbit, the book Night details a young boy named Elie protecting someone he loved. In Night, Elie tries his hardest to protect his father from danger in The Nazi Concentration Camps. Franek, a fellow prisoner, demanded that Elie gave him his Gold crown. Once Elie said he wouldn’t give up his crown, Franek started attacking his father during marches. Every time they would march, Franek would throw punches between each step. Elie saw this daily abuse and tried to help his father. “I decided to give my father lessons in marching in step, in keeping time. We began practicing in front of our block. I would command: “Left, right!” and my father would try.” (Wiesel 55). Elie was only 15 at the time, but he tried his best to protect his father. Eventually, he gave up his crown to make sure his father didn’t have to suffer. This is similar to Jojo rabbit, when Jojo sees Elsa suffering he takes guard while she does common things such as taking a bath and brushing her hair. These little things can make the life of a loved one much