Savagery In Lord Of The Flies

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In one’s life, most people think they are civilized but in reality, there is a little be of savagery in all of us, like the yin and yang with every white there is a little black and vise verse. In Lord of the Flies, Jack is the main hunter of the group of choir boys and Ralph is the leader of the group of boys. Hunting slowly starts turning Jack into an insane savage as he slowly forgets about everything he has ever learned about how to be civilized and Ralph can’t keep the group of boys under control as they both descend into savagery. Jack becomes the most savage person on the Island while Ralph is trying to keep everyone civilized with his own civilization with rules and certain roles that people must play, like attending the fire or hunting …show more content…

Ralphs civilization completely falls apart as soon as Piggy is killed, Samneric are forced to join Jack’s tribe and Ralph is left alone with only the “littluns”. Another Reason why his Civilization falls is because with the death of Piggy, the conch is destroyed. Jack tells Ralph about the loss of the conch as if it means his civilization is gone. “See? See? That’s what you’ll get! I meant that! There isn’t a tribe for you anymore! The conch is gone” (Golding 181). With the conch, Piggy, Simon, and Samneric gone. Ralph is on his own without a civilization and while Jack’s tribe is growing with Samneric being forcefully added to the tribe, Ralph is left with only himself. For the first time, Ralph is alone and has no one to help him. He has no way of calling an assembly because of the conch being lost along with Piggy, Ralph seems to lose hope as he as well turns into a savage having to fend for himself. Once Ralph starts being hunted by Jack’s tribe, Ralph is forced to play the role of the prey against the predators. Jack during the hunt does not care if he hurts or kills Ralph all he cares is that they put his head on a stick with two sharpened ends. Extremely uncivilized actions are used to kill Ralph, they try to smoke him out, they try to crush him and they even try …show more content…

Jack turns into a savage while Ralph is trying his hardest to keep everyone civilized, but eventually he becomes a savage too. Savagery and Civilization are both inside of each other like the Yin and Yang, in every civilized there is a little bit of savagery, and with every savage their is a little bit civilization inside of them. Again In one’s life, most people think they are civilized but in reality, there is a little be of savagery in all of us, like the yin and yang with every white there is a little black and vice versa. Everyone thinks they are civilized but in reality with every little savagery there is a little civilization and with every civilized person there is a little bit of savagery inside of them. No one is perfect and that also goes for civilizations like Countries and